onConflictDoUpdate array

Hi, is it possible to upsert/update an array?
await db.insert(organizations).values(organizationsResponse.organizations).onConflictDoUpdate({

await db.insert(organizations).values(organizationsResponse.organizations).onConflictDoUpdate({

I would want it to do it for all and not one by one
13 Replies
bloberenober14mo ago
How would you write it in SQL?
Antebios13mo ago
I ended up doing one by one. If you want the actual syntax I do this:
async addUserProfile(userProfile: NewUserProfile) {
console.debug('useUsers.ts ==> addUserProfile ==> userProfile: ', userProfile);
const result = await this.db.insert(tblUserProfiles).values(userProfile)
target: [tblUserProfiles.userId],
set: {
firstName: userProfile.firstName,
lastName: userProfile.lastName,
email: userProfile.email,
phoneNumber: userProfile.phoneNumber,
cellPhoneNumber: userProfile.cellPhoneNumber,
addressLine1: userProfile.addressLine1,
addressLine2: userProfile.addressLine2,
city: userProfile.city,
state: userProfile.state,
zipCode: userProfile.zipCode,
lastUpdateAt: new Date().toUTCString()
async addUserProfile(userProfile: NewUserProfile) {
console.debug('useUsers.ts ==> addUserProfile ==> userProfile: ', userProfile);
const result = await this.db.insert(tblUserProfiles).values(userProfile)
target: [tblUserProfiles.userId],
set: {
firstName: userProfile.firstName,
lastName: userProfile.lastName,
email: userProfile.email,
phoneNumber: userProfile.phoneNumber,
cellPhoneNumber: userProfile.cellPhoneNumber,
addressLine1: userProfile.addressLine1,
addressLine2: userProfile.addressLine2,
city: userProfile.city,
state: userProfile.state,
zipCode: userProfile.zipCode,
lastUpdateAt: new Date().toUTCString()
Quea13mo ago
thanks yea that will be easier
Mr Redactle
Mr Redactle12mo ago
Late to the party but what you want is
set: { firstName: sql`EXCLUDED.first_name`, ... }
set: { firstName: sql`EXCLUDED.first_name`, ... }
For some reason it didn't work when I used templated column names after the EXCLUDED.
bloberenober12mo ago
for templated column name, you need to use sql.identifier(name) like this: sql`excluded.${sql.identifier('first_name')}` to take the name from the actual Drizzle column, you can write like this: sql.identifier(tblUserProfiles.firstName.name)
Mr Redactle
Mr Redactle12mo ago
Very helpful. Do you think you could update the docs so that there is an array example? The upsert examles there are trivial.
bloberenober12mo ago
what do you mean by array example?
Mr Redactle
Mr Redactle12mo ago
Upserting multiple records where db.insert().values() take an array param rather than a single object.
bloberenober12mo ago
db.insert().values(items) it takes an array
MAST12mo ago
But can we set the value for onConflictDoUpdate based on the value that had a conflict when the values is an array?
alex9mo ago
@MAST did you figure this out by any chance?
MAST9mo ago
@alex you can do something like this:
onConflictDoUpdate({ title: sql`EXCLUDED.title` })
onConflictDoUpdate({ title: sql`EXCLUDED.title` })
or like this:
alex9mo ago
Works like a charm, thank you
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