bulkaction is slow when showing popup

Hello, i have made a update bulk edit, but it is very slow it takes 5-6 seconds after clicking on the edit selected items button, to load the popup with the form. So i tried to test it with the code below, to look if it improves, because i have some logic in the bulkaction. But it still takes 5 seconds. I suspect that the delay is caused by the model itself, as it contains a large number of attributes . For the bulk edit operation, I only require the ID or a subset of the model data, rather than loading all the data. Any suggestions?
BulkAction::make('edit')->label('Geselecteerde bewerken')->icon('heroicon-s-pencil')
->deselectRecordsAfterCompletion() ,
BulkAction::make('edit')->label('Geselecteerde bewerken')->icon('heroicon-s-pencil')
->deselectRecordsAfterCompletion() ,
5 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
is this locally? how long does it take to load the table?
Kyrill71OP2y ago
yes it is locally and in production, the table takes locally 3-4 seconds to load. if it can't get any faster, is it possible to execute some code before the bulk action code runs? This would provide feedback to the user that something is loading, as currently, there is no indication that the bulk action is in progress. Apart from waiting for 5-6 seconds, if the user doens't click on anything else by then.
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
there should already be a loading indicator when you click...
Kyrill71OP2y ago
Unfortunately, there is no loading indicator displayed before the popup of the bulk action appears. I have checked the chrome dev Tool, but no errors or indications of a problem are shown. Also my normal edit bulkaction popup is now locally showing a bit faster 3-4 seconds, in production it is the still the same speed, but i think that is because of server. Interestingly, I haven't made any changes to the code today, so it's strange that it has become faster today. Nonetheless, if the loading time is consistently around 3-4 seconds, I consider it reasonable, if a loading indicator is displayed during that time. but the indicator is still not showing.
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
please open an issue with a simple reproduction repository and we will investigate what happened to the loading indicator

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