File upload error

Hello guys! I have weird problem - I want to upload file (pdf in this case) 25M, and it's throwing me an error which doesn't say much. I have checked my php version, php.ini and everything with the file size seems ok to me, but still, it's not working. From the other side, I Can upload very small pdf (around 65kb) and it works! So my upload_max_filezise, post_max_size are set to 50M, and I can't upload 25M file, but 65kb yes. This is the code in my resource which I am using
Forms\Components\FileUpload::make('files') ->label(__('Files')) ->acceptedFileTypes(['application/pdf']) ->multiple() ->directory('products/attachments') ->preserveFilenames() ->enableOpen()
What am I doing wrong? Anyone similar problem? Thanks in advance, Dusan
2 Replies
awcodes2y ago
File Uploads | Livewire
A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.
dusan8061OP2y ago
this is it! MANY THANKS!!!!!

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