C#14mo ago
Florian Voß

✅ DI with HttpClient / HttpClientFactory

The docs show the basic usage of HttpClientFactory with DI as follows:
public class SomeService{
private IHttpClientFactory _httpFactory;
public SomeService(IHttpClientFactory httpFactory){
_httpFactory = httpFactory;
public void Method1(){
var client = _httpFactory.CreateClient();
//use client to do something
public void Method2(){
var client = _httpFactory.CreateClient();
//use client to do something
public class SomeService{
private IHttpClientFactory _httpFactory;
public SomeService(IHttpClientFactory httpFactory){
_httpFactory = httpFactory;
public void Method1(){
var client = _httpFactory.CreateClient();
//use client to do something
public void Method2(){
var client = _httpFactory.CreateClient();
//use client to do something
I wonder why not do something like this instead:
public class SomeService{
private HttpClient _client;
public SomeService(IHttpClientFactory httpFactory){
_client = httpFactory.CreateClient();
public void Method1(){
//use client to do something
public void Method1(){
//use client to do something
public class SomeService{
private HttpClient _client;
public SomeService(IHttpClientFactory httpFactory){
_client = httpFactory.CreateClient();
public void Method1(){
//use client to do something
public void Method1(){
//use client to do something
like why work with local variable and invoke CreateClient() multiple times?
72 Replies
Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
as far as I understand it won't create a new instance everytime its called but reuse an httpClient as much as possible instead which makes it even more confusing for me why we call it multiple times rather than just once
júlio14mo ago
It's a sort of Singleton from what I understand So it's the same thing It's not creating new a HttpClient, it's reusing a internal HttpClient instance for you That the Factory manages maybe it would be even better not to hold the reference and just call the .CreateClient since its a resource the Factory manages, maybe you should avoid having a reference to it with the duration of the service, but could be harmless, not sure
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júlio14mo ago
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júlio14mo ago
Isn't the HttpClientHandler deprecated?
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júlio14mo ago
I dont have any, it was just the feeling I got when trying to migrate things and reading from docs
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júlio14mo ago
Im actually having a understanding issue also regarding the IHttpClientFactory interface I made a thread for it tho, if you maybe have time https://discord.com/channels/143867839282020352/1113391788204498976
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júlio14mo ago
Im not even sure its being handled in the original code
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júlio14mo ago
I think that the things they communicate to care about cookie
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júlio14mo ago
no no i was talking about smethng else
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júlio14mo ago
not related to the OP question
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júlio14mo ago
I think that approach is nice cause you give it the host so if host changes you just go there and fix
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júlio14mo ago
I think its a issue to have so many different things that all work cause you never know which one to pick
MODiX14mo ago
public class CorrelationIdHandler : DelegatingHandler
private readonly ThisHttpClientOptions _httpClientOptions;
private readonly ICorrelationIdAccessor _correlationIdAccessor;

public CorrelationIdHandler(IOption<ThisHttpClientOptions> httpClientOptions, ICorrelationIdAccessor correlationIdAccessor)
_httpClientOptions = httpClientOptions.Value;
_correlationIdAccessor = correlationIdAccessor;

protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (!_httpClientOptions.Correlation.Enabled)
return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);

IList<string> correlationId = _correlationIdAccessor.CorrelationId;
if (correlationId.Count > 0)
request.Headers.Add(_configuration.Header, correlationId);

return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
public class CorrelationIdHandler : DelegatingHandler
private readonly ThisHttpClientOptions _httpClientOptions;
private readonly ICorrelationIdAccessor _correlationIdAccessor;

public CorrelationIdHandler(IOption<ThisHttpClientOptions> httpClientOptions, ICorrelationIdAccessor correlationIdAccessor)
_httpClientOptions = httpClientOptions.Value;
_correlationIdAccessor = correlationIdAccessor;

protected override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
if (!_httpClientOptions.Correlation.Enabled)
return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);

IList<string> correlationId = _correlationIdAccessor.CorrelationId;
if (correlationId.Count > 0)
request.Headers.Add(_configuration.Header, correlationId);

return await base.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken);
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júlio14mo ago
translate to noob please
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júlio14mo ago
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júlio14mo ago
So the requests client makes to my service is a incoming request, and the resquests my service makes to the outside are outcoming requests?
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
what I don't understand about TypedClient is this @TeBeClone: A Typed client is pretty much a Service that uses HttpClient right? So in your code here, FooService is a service that uses HttpClient. Now FooService is what I am writing right now and I wanna know how to inject HttpClient into FooService
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
okay but what I'm asking is not how to inject FooHttpService or FooHttpClient or whatever into services that consume it but instead I'm asking how to inject HttpClient into FooHttpService / FooHttpClient
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
so this SomeService here is the FooHttpClient that I wanna inject HttpClient into if that makes sense
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júlio14mo ago
can you give a real world example? I thought it only needed a controller and a httpclient
Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
ok but how do you inject httpclient into the typed client
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
however you do this, I will do it like that in the Service directly and skip the Typed Client layer that was my plan
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
I know
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
you are kinda doding my question tho the question is how you inject the HttpClient into the FooHttpClient I know how to inject FooHttpClient into FooService and how to inject FooService into Controllers
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
but its not shown in here you only inject FooService and FooHttpClient. How does FooHttpClient get its HttpClient dependency?
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
ohhh that part I didn't know
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
its getting clearer and clearer for me, thx a lot
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
now in my case to get a little more concrete on the topic, I am writing WPF app and I wanna fetch Tickets from third party Api. There isn't really any business logic that needs to get applied on those tickets, I pretty much just yeet them into the UI. so the TicketService kinda is also the TicketHttpClient at the same time, is that fine? and then my MainWindow.xaml.cs consumes the TicketService / TicketHttpClient to display the tickets
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
pretty much:
public class TicketService{
private HttpClient _client;
public TicketService(HttpClient client){
_client = client;
public async Task<List<TicketDTO>> GetLastAcceptedAsync(){}
public async Task<List<TicketDTO>> GetMissedAsync(){}
public partial class MainWindow(){
private TicketService _ticketSerivce;
public MainWindow(TicketService ticketService){
_ticketService = ticketService;
public class TicketService{
private HttpClient _client;
public TicketService(HttpClient client){
_client = client;
public async Task<List<TicketDTO>> GetLastAcceptedAsync(){}
public async Task<List<TicketDTO>> GetMissedAsync(){}
public partial class MainWindow(){
private TicketService _ticketSerivce;
public MainWindow(TicketService ticketService){
_ticketService = ticketService;
builder.Services.AddHttpClient<TicketService>() That should work and is good design right? Should we name it TicketService or better TicketHttpClient or smth, its kinda all of that at same time
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
I am patient, answer me later 🙂 yep
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
that is already implemented, don't worry added all Microsfot Extensions that are needed
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
I don't really have models in that sense, I made seperation between Entities and DTOs
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
Entities for DB and DTO for any data transfer such as between different layers of my app or even beyond that
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
okay but we also suffix services with Service for the same reason and its both the TicketHttpClient and the TicketService in one type 🤷 as fetching is all I need / no business logic required
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
I just need Mainwindow => TicketService / TicketHttpClient. There is no Business logic that needs to get applied on the stuff we get from external world so I guess i just name it TicketHttpClient then and we have no Service
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Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
MODiX14mo ago
and if you have ANY FORM of logic that is not linked to making request
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