How do I add icon to label of a column?
I am trying to add a icon to the label of a column to signify it has a tooltop
10 Replies
I don't think we support this 🤔 You'll probably need a custom column.
Is it possible to pass custom html to the ->label() ?
label(new HtmlString('your html'))
Alright thanks
I was able to add the icon, how do it make it appear on 1 line. Any suggestions?

Share your code 🤷🏼♂️
BadgeColumn::make('avg_performance')->label(fn () => new HtmlString(__('rental-schedules-resource.performance') . Blade::render('<x-heroicon-o-question-mark-circle class="w-3 h-3" x-tooltip.raw="Custom text" />')))->extraAttributes(['class' => 'flex items-center']),
please read the #❓┊help on asking for help.
Looking at that, you will want to make them span's to be inline. or use div's with inlines
A view could be better I think..