How to prefill data after "createAnother" action?
Hey, just wanna maintain some inputs prefilled when I hit the "createAnother" button. I'm trying some Action methods but can't get it :/
5 Replies
you just need default() values on the fields
request() wont work, this is not a controller.
store the fields in the session or something before they are saved and then access from there
hm yep it works with session flash, but how can I store the session only when "createAnother" event. I've tried using "afterCreate" method
you could override createAnother(), store the data in session, and then
Allright it works!
Just added the session store after:
Thanks mate!
Hey, just wanna maintain some inputs prefilled when I hit the "createAnother" button. I'm trying some Action methods but can't get it :/ class CreateQuestion extends CreateRecord
protected static string $resource = QuestionResource::class;
public function getTitle(): string|Htmlable
return __('models/question.action.create');
protected function getHeaderActions(): array
return [
->action(fn () => $this->createAnother()),
protected function getFormActions(): array
return [];
public function createAnother(): void
session()->flash('dataFill', [
'purpose' => $this->data['purpose'],
'books' => $this->data['books'],