What versions of MySQL are supported? I have JSON_ARRAYAGG issues with 5.7 and AWS Aurora Serverless

Can you confirm what versions of MySQL you intend on supporting? Relational queries with joins use JSON_ARRAYAGG which is not supported by earlier versions of 5.7 including AWS Aurora Serverless v1.
3 Replies
Yordi2y ago
Damn, after hours of searching you made me realise I was on MySQL v5.7 (using MAMP) I spend hours getting strange errors and I had no clue relational queries needed a higher version. I can't answer your question but thanks for making me realise this 🙏
danielOP2y ago
@yordiv Just a note that I've patched drizzle to replace JSON_ARRAYAGG with concat and group_concat to get it wotking with my version of 5.7. This may be helpful for you.
Yordi2y ago
Great to hear that! Thanks 🥳

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