Undefined variable $allRecordsCount on production but not locally

<?php unset($componentOriginalc254754b9d5db91d5165876f9d051922ca0066f4); ?> <?php endif; ?> <span class="<?php echo \Illuminate\Support\Arr::toCssClasses(['dark:text-white' => config('tables.dark_mode')]) ?>" x-text="window.pluralize(<?php echo \Illuminate\Support\Js::from(('tables::table.selection_indicator.selected_count'))->toHtml() ?>, selectedRecords.length, { count: selectedRecords.length })"></span> <span id="<?php echo e($this->id); ?>.table.selection.indicator.record-count.<?php echo e($allSelectableRecordsCount); ?>" x-show="<?php echo e($allSelectableRecordsCount); ?> !== selectedRecords.length"> <button x-on:click="selectAllRecords" class="text-sm font-medium text-primary-600"> <?php echo e(trans_choice('tables::table.selection_indicator.buttons.select_all.label', $allSelectableRecordsCount)); ?>. </button> </span> The strange thing is that it works on my computer (doesn't it always), and other tables on the server for other resources I have run php artisan optimize, php artisan filament upgrade and also manually cleared the storage/app/framework folders
3 Replies
ssmusoke14mo ago
The resource table has only 64 rows which does not point to a performance problem Strange this has somehow cleared
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin14mo ago
definitely a view cache issue
ssmusoke14mo ago
Very strange but happy it cleared by itself
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