How to hide FileUpload name
If I click the open in new page button, then you can get the location of the file, and you can open them, even if you are not authenticated. I tried adding private visibility, but that didnt change anything. Is there a way to overcome this issue?

8 Replies
no, Laravel doesnt authenticate static files
also, it looks like your APP_URL is misconfigured
also, who would be able to guess a 64 character random string anyway?
also, if you use S3 and private visibility we generate temporary URLs which overcome this issue
If you open to a new tab, you get this:

so you get the url
but in production you are gonna use s3 right?
I hadnt thought about using it
I need special drivers for it, right?
not really
check the laravel docs
will do, thanks
its just 1 official driver