customize columns

Hello, in Table Builder is it possible to format the column titles, how to center or change their color? It is also possible to do individual training
6 Replies
Mack H
Mack H14mo ago
Getting started - Columns - Table Builder - Filament
The elegant TALL stack table builder for Laravel artisans.
joao nivaldo
joao nivaldo14mo ago
So the documentation doesn't mention anything about how to at least Center the label or Value within the column. Do you know if it is possible to centralize at least?
awcodes14mo ago
->extraAttributes([‘style’ => ‘text-align: center;’]) or with a class name instead of style.
joao nivaldo
joao nivaldo14mo ago
Hello, I did the test here and with this property I can center the values in the columns. Now I need to center the column headings. You know how?
awcodes14mo ago
You’re right. Probably easier to target those with CSS.
joao nivaldo
joao nivaldo14mo ago
ok. thanks