Action Buttons on Top of Page

It's convenient to have a copy of the "Save Changes" and "Cancel" button on the top of the page if you have a long form. Can we do this?
5 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin14mo ago
yes, have you tried?
binaryruel14mo ago
Thanks Dan! I did it by overriding the render method and copying the edit-record and adding another form actions above the form.
<x-filament::form wire:submit.prevent="save">


{{ $this->form }}

<x-filament::form wire:submit.prevent="save">


{{ $this->form }}

and in my EditRecord class
public function render(): View
return view('my-blade-view', $this->getViewData())
->layout(static::$layout, $this->getLayoutData());
public function render(): View
return view('my-blade-view', $this->getViewData())
->layout(static::$layout, $this->getLayoutData());
Let me know if that's the easiest way.
awcodes14mo ago
I wouldn’t over ride the view. You can use the getPageActions() method to add actions to the top of the page. Pretty sure it’s in the docs.
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin14mo ago
awcodes14mo ago
Yea. What Dan said.