C#14mo ago

❔ CS1077 here which I don't know how to resolve. Something to do with the out parameters

https://paste.mod.gg/esakwzvzaedv/0 It wants me to assign some value to the variables but then they're useless
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4 Replies
Pobiega14mo ago
you MUST assign a value to out variables for any and all branches of your program also, with iChoice seeming to be a stateful variable, should this really be static?
Florian Voß
Florian Voß14mo ago
the easiest way to do what @Pobiega suggests is to choose a default value for it and assign that default value in the first line before doing anything else
Alex14mo ago
thanks its accessed in a few other methods aswell so this is just a bit easier for me
Accord14mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.
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