TagsInput : Suggestions list
Hi, is there a way to reset the suggestions list of TagsInput field ?
i've a case when changing a select field i should change the the suggestions list
here's my code :
->options(['model1' => 'model1', 'model2' => 'model2'])
->afterStateUpdated(fn ($set) => $set('ids', []))
function ($state, $get) {
if ($get('model')) {
return app()->make("App\Models\\" . $get('model'))::pluck('name', 'id');
} else
return $state;
4 Replies
that should work as you have it
the view is reloaded when the select changes as it is reactive()
@Dan Harrin what i want to do is to change the suggestions list depending on the selected option (from the select field), this code works but reset only the list of tags not the suggestions list
does the suggestions() function get run when the select changes
it's working now, i think it was a cache problem
thanks for your time