DDD for filament

Hi there, I'm looking the best approach to fit a project that is using Filament to adapt it to DDD architecture. Somebody has an example about how to do it or something like that? Thanks...
11 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
i dont have an example but many people have done it. not sure if they are going to release their code though
Patrick Boivin
Hi @jersonmr, we're currently following a DDD approach on a large-ish Filament project. I can't really share a lot of code but here's a general overview of the project structure :
Patrick Boivin
Laravel's app folder was renamed to src and the Filament resources and classes are scoped to Domain\Admin\Filament I can provide pointers on how to handle things like view namespaces per domain, routes, migrations, etc. Let me know if you need any more info!
jersonmrOP2y ago
Thanks @pboivin I'll take a look in this capture you sent me and I let you know any doubt where I hope you can help me
awcodes2y ago
This could be good a trick / tip on the website (or a blog post). Just showing a basic implementation of one domain and how the scoping works.
Patrick Boivin
For sure, thanks for the suggestion @awcodes. I'll take some time this week to see if I can put together a first draft. I'm far from a DDD expert, but I can focus on my team's implementation.
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
also details on the autodiscovery... if you have it
Patrick Boivin
Autodiscovery of Filament resources?
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
yeah, like you get when theres a default installation
Patrick Boivin
Ok, good point! I'll admit we're quite far from the default installation at this point (e.g. the Nav if 100% manual) but I'll see if I can make the article more generic.
jersonmrOP2y ago
That would be nice!

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