I’m trying to understand the best way to use BIN_TO_UUID and UUID_TO_BIN (MySQL). The below is working fine...
export const users = mysqlTable('User', {
uuid: binary('uuid', { length: 16 }).default(sql`(UUID_TO_BIN(UUID(), 1))`).primaryKey(),
username: varchar('username', { length: 256 }).notNull(),

const select = await db
.select({ uuid: sql<string>`BIN_TO_UUID(${users.uuid}, 1)` })

const update = await db
.set({ username: 'foo' })
.where(eq(users.uuid, sql<string>`UUID_TO_BIN(${myUserUuid}, 1)`))
export const users = mysqlTable('User', {
uuid: binary('uuid', { length: 16 }).default(sql`(UUID_TO_BIN(UUID(), 1))`).primaryKey(),
username: varchar('username', { length: 256 }).notNull(),

const select = await db
.select({ uuid: sql<string>`BIN_TO_UUID(${users.uuid}, 1)` })

const update = await db
.set({ username: 'foo' })
.where(eq(users.uuid, sql<string>`UUID_TO_BIN(${myUserUuid}, 1)`))
...but I was wondering if there was a better approach, so that the UUID<>BIN conversion would automatically apply - without having to manually specify it on each query? Here is an example of what I’m looking for (fromSQL and toSQL are made up functions):
const customBinary = customType<{
data: string; driverData: string; config: { length?: number }
dataType(config) {
return typeof config?.length !== 'undefined' ? `binary(${config.length})` : `binary`
// automatically apply on select + return
fromSQL(value: string): string {
return `BIN_TO_UUID(${value}, 1)`
// automatically apply on insert/update + select filters
toSQL(value: string): string {
return `UUID_TO_BIN(${value}, 1)`

export const users = mysqlTable('User', {
uuid: customBinary('uuid', { length: 16 }).default(sql`(UUID_TO_BIN(UUID(), 1))`).primaryKey(),
username: varchar('username', { length: 256 }).notNull(),
const customBinary = customType<{
data: string; driverData: string; config: { length?: number }
dataType(config) {
return typeof config?.length !== 'undefined' ? `binary(${config.length})` : `binary`
// automatically apply on select + return
fromSQL(value: string): string {
return `BIN_TO_UUID(${value}, 1)`
// automatically apply on insert/update + select filters
toSQL(value: string): string {
return `UUID_TO_BIN(${value}, 1)`

export const users = mysqlTable('User', {
uuid: customBinary('uuid', { length: 16 }).default(sql`(UUID_TO_BIN(UUID(), 1))`).primaryKey(),
username: varchar('username', { length: 256 }).notNull(),
Is there any way to do something similar right now?
1 Reply
SylvainOP2y ago
Nevermind... I found a better way to achieve what I was looking for by using custom types with the binary-uuid package (
import { fromBinaryUUID } from 'binary-uuid'
import { sql, type SQL } from 'drizzle-orm';

export const binary = customType<{
data: string; driverData: string; config: { length?: number }
dataType(config) {
return typeof config?.length !== 'undefined' ? `binary(${config.length})` : `binary`
fromDriver(value: string): string {
const buff = value.startsWith('base64:type254:')
? Buffer.from(value.split(":")[2], "base64")
: Buffer.from(value, 'binary')

return fromBinaryUUID(buff)
toDriver(value: string): SQL<unknown> {
return sql`UUID_TO_BIN(${value}, 1)`
import { fromBinaryUUID } from 'binary-uuid'
import { sql, type SQL } from 'drizzle-orm';

export const binary = customType<{
data: string; driverData: string; config: { length?: number }
dataType(config) {
return typeof config?.length !== 'undefined' ? `binary(${config.length})` : `binary`
fromDriver(value: string): string {
const buff = value.startsWith('base64:type254:')
? Buffer.from(value.split(":")[2], "base64")
: Buffer.from(value, 'binary')

return fromBinaryUUID(buff)
toDriver(value: string): SQL<unknown> {
return sql`UUID_TO_BIN(${value}, 1)`

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