Issue with primary color theme.
I have installed the tailwinds package, yet, I cant make my icons show blue (primary). When selecting Pending, the icon should show blue, right? All the other colors work fine...

43 Replies
taliwinds config:
The status can be selected from a dropdown (Select)

Did you follow the whole „Custom theme“ docs?
Im pretty sure I did. Im not sure what Im doing wrong
if it was set up properly, then all of the amber would be blue
so this isnt exclusively an icon column issue
are you registering the theme in a service provider?
your tailwind config is definitely wrong - no mention of filament in the content
Check every step again.
I did, but I get this:

is this in the browser as well as the IDE?
I dont get any error in the browser
its your IDE playing up then
You did compile your theme, right?
and are you really registering the theme twice?
isnt it done automatically by laravel?
How can I compile the theme?
How do you mean?
read the code in boot()
npm run build
if you are using viteohh, nono, I just tested with both just to be sure. But I ran it with just Vite initially
also, did you register FilamentServiceProvider in config/app ?
No it isn’t. It’s a Tailwind thing
Ahhhhhh, yes
That was the issue
I didnt know that I had to do that 😅
Now it works:) Thank you

normally i would just suggest to put it in AppServiceProvider so i dont have to explain that
First test: Does my code run 🤷♂️😅
yes, it does 😅
Im just curious guys... how many years of experience do you have with programming/php?
You have built something very robust (filament in general)
But now everything is blue

yes, blue is now the primary color
But... I changed it?

idk, probably nearly 10 to be honest if you count dabbling around with HTML and CSS and Python when I was at school
recompile your theme
you can have one primary color. yellow or blue or whatever
Well, good job 😅
Got it! Thank you
If I create a color here, then how can I use it here?

10-15 years
You can’t. It’s limited to the set of colors that are predefined
Soo, I cant create my own colors?
You can’t use colors other than primary, secondary, danger, success in most places
You can check the blade files to see why
One more thing. Are these called cards or something like that?

I saw it from a youtube video, and I want to build something similar
Check the demo and it’s source code
Those are widgets
"stats overview widget"
in v3 we are working on support for custom colors
Is there a possible release window?
Or is it a secret? 👀
its not a secret, we don't know ourselves. we are waiting on Livewire v3 to release before we can release our v3
There is a non-zero chance Caleb is releasing or at least announcing a release date at Laracon US 🤞