is not assignable to type 'DrizzleD1Database'
This last release was amazing. Making joins simple was the missing piece for me.
However, I'm trying to upgrade to the new API (it previously used the joins).
I'm getting the error from the screenshot. Not sure what's going on, created a PR with it.
Here's the PR -
schema -
db initialization -
race-stack/schema.ts at f5ce04cdae134302c94e2de671c7a272274dab36 · ...
Remix run stack built for the edge (cloudflare pages and d1) - race-stack/schema.ts at f5ce04cdae134302c94e2de671c7a272274dab36 · jose-donato/race-stack
race-stack/db.service.server.ts at f5ce04cdae134302c94e2de671c7a272...
Remix run stack built for the edge (cloudflare pages and d1) - race-stack/db.service.server.ts at f5ce04cdae134302c94e2de671c7a272274dab36 · jose-donato/race-stack

4 Replies
Will try to check and fix it asap
no rush, thanks for the help 🤟
not a bug with drizzle, you explicitly type the return type of that function as 
which is not assignable, try DrizzleD1Database<typeof schema>
works for me, i cloned your pr
looks like a nice project you got also 
ohhhh I'm dumb 🫣🫣🫣
sorry for wasting your time with this 😅
thank you! drizzle has been amazing to work with. using on several projects