Mark as read once notification is opened

How can I mark a database notification as read once it is opened with the action I have configured?
protected function afterCreate(): void
$ticket = $this->record;
$recipient = User::query()->role('admin')->get();

->title('New Ticket')
->body("**{$ticket->customer->name} has created a new ticket.**")
->url(TicketResource::getUrl('edit', ['record' => $ticket])),
protected function afterCreate(): void
$ticket = $this->record;
$recipient = User::query()->role('admin')->get();

->title('New Ticket')
->body("**{$ticket->customer->name} has created a new ticket.**")
->url(TicketResource::getUrl('edit', ['record' => $ticket])),
And if the same notification is sent to different usersand if a user makes a change in a specific record field, is it possible to mark the rest of the notifications sent to the rest of the users as read?
3 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
I added this feature to v3 yesterday its not been added to v2 yet
H.BilbaoOP2y ago
perfect @Dan Harrin, looks good
undercode2y ago
I solved it by updating 'read_at' field when the user enters in my ViewPage or EditPage.
public function mount($record): void

$user = auth()->user();
$notification = DB::table('notifications')
->where('notifiable_type', get_class($user))
->where('notifiable_id', $user->id)
->where('data->actions[0]->url', 'like', '%issues/' . $this->record->id)
$notification->update(['read_at' => now()]);
public function mount($record): void

$user = auth()->user();
$notification = DB::table('notifications')
->where('notifiable_type', get_class($user))
->where('notifiable_id', $user->id)
->where('data->actions[0]->url', 'like', '%issues/' . $this->record->id)
$notification->update(['read_at' => now()]);
You have to change '%issues/' with '%tickets/' or whatever your resource path is.

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