RAILWAY_{serviceName}_STATIC_URL not working

I have an nginx container proxying to an application container and am trying to reference the application container url. The application container is named 'frontend' so I set an env variable equal to ${{RAILWAY_FRONTEND_STATIC_URL}} but it's coming through blank. What am I doing wrong here? product id: f44954e4-11aa-4f45-9e1a-302641b5dc42 using the 'separate-nginx' environment
there's no need to set any variables yourself, just simply use RAILWAY_SERVICE_FRONTEND_URL assuming your frontend service is named "frontend"...
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10 Replies
Percy14mo ago
Project ID: f44954e4-11aa-4f45-9e1a-302641b5dc42
Brody14mo ago
there's no need to set any variables yourself, just simply use RAILWAY_SERVICE_FRONTEND_URL assuming your frontend service is named "frontend"
eggsovereasy14mo ago
yes it is
Brody14mo ago
this variable is created by railway, there's no need to add it yourself
eggsovereasy14mo ago
I made the intermediate variable just so i could quickly change values in railway and redeploy without having to do git commits and run it through that way. I have also tried without my own variable and it also did not work
Brody14mo ago
show me where you are using the variable
eggsovereasy14mo ago
nevermind, i just tried that again and it worked this time, maybe i had a typo the first time thank you
Brody14mo ago
haha no problem, another day another typo
eggsovereasy14mo ago
subquestion, if i name the service with a . in it do i just make that period an _ in the env var name, so site.com because RAILWAY_SITE_COM_STATIC_URL ?
Brody14mo ago
correct spaces, periods, commas, etc, all get normalized to a underscore and apha chars are always going to be uppercase