Render RelationManager anywhere
Currently you can render a RelationManager underneath the form or with tabs above using
. Is there any (planned) functionality which allows rendering of RelationManagers in tabs? (Filament\Forms\Components\Tabs). Or e.g. as a standalone field. I really feel like it's a very restricted component regarding layout placement.
We've tried making a relation manager field component but it seems to have some collisions with the form builder the way we tried to build it.5 Replies
unfortunately it is currently not possible for us to provide such a feature
this is because the relation manager action modals require a <form>, and browsers do not support nesting <form> elements within each other.
livewire v3 may allow us to teleport those forms away, to make way for this feature
here is our best workaround atm -
Relation managers - Resources - Admin Panel - Filament
The elegant TALL stack admin panel for Laravel artisans.
Alright, thank you for the information @Dan Harrin
in currently version is possible or not?
Is this what you want? This is a screenshot from the current Filament 3.1 demo website.
To do that, simply list multiple relation managers in the Resource's