Deploy successful but old version is served

Looks like the build complete as usual, but when opening the website we still see the old version. We have a custom monorepo not linked to gihub, we deploy manually with reailway up. Tried many deploys but still the same. Is there a way to disable caching or check if the latest version is being served? Project id: d14e9b2b-807b-474a-af1c-59a6a4a680b9
17 Replies
Percy14mo ago
Project ID: d14e9b2b-807b-474a-af1c-59a6a4a680b9
Marco D'Alia
Marco D'Alia14mo ago
Brody14mo ago
what tech stack?
Marco D'Alia
Marco D'Alia14mo ago
Nuxt.js 3.0, pnpm + turborepo monorepo. We have custom build command: pnpm run build and custom run command node apps/web/.output/server/index.mjs (since in the same repo there are multiple apps/)
Brody14mo ago
you can try setting a NIXPACKS_NO_CACHE variable to 1 in your service settings
Marco D'Alia
Marco D'Alia14mo ago
thanks, trying
Brody14mo ago
i dont think this pertains to code cacheing, but worth a shot also, do you have the output build folder in the .gitignore file?
Marco D'Alia
Marco D'Alia14mo ago
it was working till this evening, we deploy usually through a gitlab pipeline. Just did some visual changes to some components, didn't change anything else and it start not showing the changes yes
Brody14mo ago
okay then let me know if that variable works for you
Marco D'Alia
Marco D'Alia14mo ago
however, we have 2 .gitignore, maybe the issue? one at the root and one in the apps/web folder now I can see the new changes on prod 👍
Brody14mo ago
so all is good?
Marco D'Alia
Marco D'Alia14mo ago
Brody14mo ago
thats awsome
Marco D'Alia
Marco D'Alia14mo ago
should I keep the nocache var or it was something temporary?
Brody14mo ago
might be worth it to keep, if it happened once, it might happen again. its up to you to trade slightly slower build times for being guaranteed the latest code will be built and pushed
Marco D'Alia
Marco D'Alia14mo ago
yes, makes sense, thanks for your help!
Brody14mo ago
no problem!