Use Livewire pagination inside a ViewField

I have some additional data displayed inside a form that I want to paginate over. Is it possible to use Livewire's ajax pagination with a Filament component?
class ExampleField extends Forms\Components\ViewField
use WithPagination;

public static function make(string $name): static
$static = parent::make($name);

'example' => Models\Example::paginate(5)

return $static;
class ExampleField extends Forms\Components\ViewField
use WithPagination;

public static function make(string $name): static
$static = parent::make($name);

'example' => Models\Example::paginate(5)

return $static;
3 Replies
toeknee2y ago
I’m you could just load a livewire component within filament by using the view field rendering the livewire components blade
gizmojoOP2y ago
🤦‍♂️ oh yeah will give that a go cheers Amazing that worked perfectly. Slightly off-topic but do you need to check the Filament::auth()->check in a custom livewire component?
toeknee2y ago
If you have a custom livewire component you could do an authorization check within the mount method if and only if you allow it to be accessed from a route. Otherwise you'd need to find a way to process it on the server side swhich to my knowledge isn't possible. Ideally just use Laravel Policies and that should keep your models covered

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