Decimal separator for prices in German format

I need the prices in EditAction to be displayed in German format i.e. instead of 290.00 to be displayed 290,00. In order do to that I'm using decimalSeparator(',') in combinaiton with mapToDecimalSeparator(['.']). In the Postgre I use the NUMERIC 8,2 field type to store the data. Unfortunately, the end result is 29000,00. Is there a way the number to be displayed as 290,00?
5 Replies
toeknee2y ago
USe Dans squirephp package to allow you to format it and just store the currency on the table unless it's a default currency
toeknee2y ago
GitHub - squirephp/squire: A library of static Eloquent models for ...
A library of static Eloquent models for common fixture data. - GitHub - squirephp/squire: A library of static Eloquent models for common fixture data.
Andrew Wallo
Andrew Wallo2y ago
Its because the TextInput mask's option for ->decimalSeparator() does not work for commas...
toeknee2y ago
This is an old post to be answering 😉
Andrew Wallo
Andrew Wallo2y ago
Haha yeah it’s because I just figured it out after having issues with it for a while. The whole time it was just the mask’s decimal separator doesn’t work with commas It specifically pads two extra zeros to a value but only if the value is something like 29,43 but it works if the value is something like 29,00

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