Filament14mo ago

Stop Many-Many Related Object from Showing on the bottom of the page-- solved

I have a many to many relation between Object 1 and Object2. When I create a new Objhect1, Object 2 shows up as a field perfectly fine. But it also shows up as a Grid on the bottom of the page. I do not need this. How can I remove this?
5 Replies
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Sese14mo ago
Are you referring to a Relation Manager?
toodles14mo ago
I do have a relationship manager created. Is it the relationship manager that is rendering this grid of object2 below by object 1 creation page? If so, do I not need a relationship manager if I do not need this grid ? will filament identify this relation between opbject1 and Object2 with just the belongs to many defined in both models?
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Sese14mo ago
Correct. The Relation manager is solely to manage the relationship through the table at the bottom. You can remove it if you don't need it.
toodles14mo ago
Thank you!
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Sese14mo ago