Assert button existence
How to assert "new" button existence in top right resource table in php test case?
The button isn't always there due to role's permissions..
15 Replies
is there assertActionHidden() or something
Method Illuminate\Http\Response::assertActionHidden does not exist. 😕
sadly, still method does not exist..
but i've found other way to assert in my case..
anyway, thanks for your suggestion before..
does exist. Here's the relevant section and example from the docs:
thanks for your help men..
how to assert create button in relation manager?

use the relation manager as the livewire component to test
then assertTableActionExists
why i'm getting error => getCachedAction does not exist?
its not a page action
on a relation manager its always a table action
hmm okey.. thanks for the correction..
how to assert data creation in relation manager modal form?
You could try something like this:
I tried this
and i got => Unable to set component data. Public property [$nama_ref] not found on component:
But i've reassure in the relation manager has got :
what should i do?
thats not how to fill an action form or call it
you just have to pass the data as the third param of callTableAction()
you dont need to call it
thanks.. solved..
Can someone help me how to assert options in filament form select component?