Select field hasMany relation
Hello all, I am trying to achieve a select field relation with a hasMany relation.
I have one Model called
and one model ContentVisibility
holds a content_id
, with a type
field which can be either be BRANCH or COMMUNITY
in Content.php I have relations defined as;
public function visibilities(): HasMany {
return $this->hasMany(ContentVisibility::class, 'content_id', 'id');
also in ContentVisibility.php as;
public function content(): BelongsTo {
return $this->belongsTo(Content::class, 'id', 'content_id');
I want to Make two select fields in "EditContent" resource which edits the relations.
I came up like these;
->label('Show only to this branches...')
->options( ... )
->relationship('visibilities', fn (Builder $query) => $query->where('type', ContentVisibilityTypeEnum::BRANCH))
->label('Show only to this communities...')
->relationship('visibilities', fn (Builder $query) => $query->where('type', ContentVisibilityTypeEnum::COMMUNITY))
But as far as I understand "relationship" for select searches for a BelongsToMany
relation, which I think it is not suitable for this situation.
Did I missed something?
Thanks.10 Replies
i think this would work best as a belongstomany
Okay thanks, I changed it to a belongsToMany relation,
now I have another little question 🙂
How can I add a default value before save in Select?
My select now looks like this;
->relationship('branch_visibilities', 'object_id')
->options(fn () =>
Branch::where('corp_id', $authUser->corp_id)
->pluck('title', 'id')
but when I click save button on EditRecord, it gives me
SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null violation: 7 ERROR: null value in column "type" of relation "content_visibilities" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (13, 1, 1, null, null, null).
since a type is required in content_visibilities tableI try to achieve it with
function, but the error was thrown before the code reaches here![](
mutate isnt gonna work here
relationships get saved before that point
maybe make a pivot model, add it to the relationship definition, and then create an observer for it? then you can use the creating() method on the observer to fill in the type
Is it a good way to achieve it via this callback?
YES! Finally đź‘Ż
I Managed to do it via a deep search in discord, I found an answer to yours. (
So this helped me, maybe it helps anybody else;
->relationship('branch_visibilities', 'object_id')
->options(fn () =>
Branch::where('corp_id', $authUser->corp_id)
->pluck('title', 'id')
->saveRelationshipsUsing(static function (Select $component, $state, $get) {
$component->getRelationship()->syncWithPivotValues($state, ['type' => ContentVisibilityTypeEnum::BRANCH]);
when dose
triggered? anyone know? its never dd
ing there!this?
ya but not been triggered for some reasons not on edit or create!
after some source digging
I ended up using