is there a method to display the value of selectColumn read_only in table?
I have a select in the forms that works to get the user id of several related records . I would like to display in the table the user name not the user id
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Column relationships - Columns - Table Builder - Filament
The elegant TALL stack table builder for Laravel artisans.
Trying a few things.
gives me an empty column . my function for the relationship is public function sectionLeader(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'section_leader' );
Can you show the code of the select field please?
Sorry for the delay....
->label('Section Leader')
->pluck('full_name', 'id'))
Is sectionLeader a relationship, right?
I'm not real clear on the how to of this one. I have this n the Set model
public function sectionLeader(): BelongsTo
return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'section_leader' );
Trying a few things. TextColumn::make('sectionLeader.last_name'),
gives me an empty column .
I left out relationship! I'll try when I get home.
Nope the relationship()
is for the form, i need to look t that next but the table iview of the relationship is not workingyour database column name should be
so that it does not clash with your relationship name
your relationship name should be sectionLeader
then use return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'section_leader_id');
and Select::make('section_leader_id')
and TextColumn::make('sectionLeader.last_name')
I believe that the issue is the relationship as Dan said
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@danharrin I changed the section_leader to section_leader_id and that resolved the name conflict. Thanks @Leandro Ferreira for the link!