Nuxtβ€’2y ago

Hot Module Reload and Auto-Imports lost for components placed in the pages/**/components structure

One way of structuring pages and components is to place some components used only in that specific page into its components folder. 1. in pages eg. pages/dashboard/components/SpecialComponent.vue used only in pages/dashboard/index.vue (I know, not recommended by default) 2. in .nuxtignore we set the components folder to not generate routes with /pages/**/components/** 3. when using the SpecialComponent.vue in the pages/dashboard/index.vue the auto-import is lost (we need to import it in the script setup) 4. when using the SpecialComponent.vue in the pages/dashboard/index.vue the hot module reload is lost (any changes require project rebuild) Question 1. Is it possible to introduce auto-imports for point 3 in nuxt 3 or is there a configuration for this already in the current nuxt 3 state? Question 2. Is it possible to add the Hot Module Reload to components that are nested in the pages structure in nuxt 3 or is there a configuration already to enable it in the current nuxt 3 state? It might sound silly to mix components with the router, but there is a special case for keeping "private" components nested in the router. Please don't shout at me πŸ˜„ Hope there are solutions to keep these components as regular components with auto-imports and hot module reload. Thank you for any advice! PS. I know the correct way is to keep components in components/ πŸ™‚
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