SpatieMediaLibraryPlugin with getTableQuery()
Hello all,
I am using SpatieMediaLibraryPlugin for media collections.
I have a user model where admin's can hold PDF, Word or Excel documents for a specific user.
I want to show these files on a table but could not find how I can query the Media class in getTableQuery() function.
Does anyone know a trick for it?
2 Replies
$models = Model::whereHas('media', function ($query) {
$query->where('name', 'like', '%your-media-name%');
Are you looking for this?Thanks for your tip. I managed to do that via tis code;
protected function getTableQuery(): Builder
return Media::query()->where('model_type', User::class)
->where('model_id', $this->record)
->where('collection_name', User::$userDocumentsKey);