Auth user RUD only his records
hello how can the auth user edit and sho oniy his records for list i do that but i stell access to the others records from the url

12 Replies
You have it as optional iwthin a sub query. I would suggest you use the Policies to handle access and edit rights
im using iotronlab filament-multi-guard pluging with 2 context the default one with admin guard and filament-users context with web guard
and im using 2 Models for the auth Admin, User Model. I also installed filament shield and I don't know how to configure it yet in my case
if you are using shield that will handle it for you, read it's docs and spatie policies.
i generate all my policies but it's not working

and when i try to generate policies i have this issue

And you ran shield:install ?
Sounds like you have configured it incorrectly given it's saying you should use guard admin over web. Try setting the default guard in the config of shield to be admin if thats the case.
i stell having the same problem
now i have this proble when user guard_name = admin

Please seek Shield support in #shield
ok thanks