Rails with Sidekiq consume lot of RAM
I have a problem with excessive RAM consumption by a service running Sidekiq.
My application consists of two services:
- a Rails application that consumes an average of 210mb of RAM (without much variation)
- a service running Sidekiq for executing jobs in the background which consumes an average of 1gb of RAM (with constant jumps from 250mb to 1.20gb)
The problem is not related to job execution as it occurs even without any job execution (I have disabled any .perform_now and .perform_later calls) in the main application.
In the Sidekiq configuration file (sidekiq.yml) I have set:
concurrency: 1
The service is started by command:
bundle exec sidekiq -C config/sidekiq.yml
Has anyone had the same problem? What is this excessive RAM consumption due to?
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