Beacon + Spannsysteme X-Gantry = Sensing Artifacts?

Hi, I have installed the Beacon surface scanner to my printer yesterday and found a weird issue. The bed mesh has a pattern, that repeats along the Y-axis (see the first image). The hills and valleys are spaced with approximately 40mm distance. Due to the fact that the pattern stays the same, it must come from the X-gantry. I tried loosening and retensioning the linear rail while heatsoaked, to no avail (I might have now introduced some slight bend during this). As a important note, I am also using this lightweight X-gantry: I remounted the SuperPinda today and ran a 14x7 mesh, where imho the pattern should already become visible. However there is none, which leads me to the conclusion that there might be an interference with the X-gantry. Please ignore the other bowing in the mesh for now. Maybe the pockets in the material introduce artifacts into the beacon's coil? 🤔 However the pattern doesn't fully match the pockets, as it's not fully symmetric. Is anyone using a similar setup or has any ideas? Did I miss steps while setting up the Beacon?
Spannsysteme - für die optimale Zerspanung
X-Gantry 422mm for RatRig V-Core 300 - Spannsysteme - für die optim...
Dimensions: 422 x 20 x 20 mm Weight: 86 g (vs. 194 g of original 2020 extrusion) System: Suitable for the RatRig V-Core 300 Material: EN AW 6060 T66 Production: Precision CNC milling Surface : (with minimal handling scratches) Raw aluminium Anodized black aluminium (batch 2) Note: Mounting of the linear rail with M3x8mm screws (no...
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3 Replies
MietzekatziOP•2y ago
Here are some images showing the approximate X-coordinates of the hills and valleys. I also probed these X-coordinates manually to doublecheck that the pattern isn't coming from the movement of the printhead or something.
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ptegler•2y ago
with the Beacon and the lightweight rail.... run your test..... then wrap some tin foil around the rail and se if one of the 'humps' disappears. You'd know at least whether the metal solids and voids is the issue.
MietzekatziOP•2y ago
Good idea, i will try this within the next days. I’ll stay on the Pinda for now, because it want to print some stuff. More proof that something is off:

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