500mm bed mesh with full width hump. Gantry issue?

This is the bed mesh using a super pinda on my 500mm bed. I watched the video and if I am understanding it correctly, the four corners are pretty close to the same plane. I think this means the frame is pretty square. However, there is a pronounced bow from front to back.
Not sure what the best way to attack this is. Maybe loosening the screws on the Y access rails and moving the gantry back step by step tightening the screws as I go? I also heard him say that you should not install all the screws in the rails. Should I be removing some screws?
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2 Replies
rival-black2y ago
Check the tension of the cables on the toolhead. This can cause a rotation around X aka Rx depending on the Y position. Had something similar, but than combined in X and Y.
afraid-scarletOP2y ago
Appreciate the help. I screwed up the frame while trying to make corrections, so I'm just going to tear is down and try again.

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