Filamentβ€’15mo ago

how to define a global footer?

I want to define a global footer for all the app. I have found the getFooter() function but that only change for 1 page. Thanks in advance.
9 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrinβ€’15mo ago
Override the footer.blade.php from vendor
Hurruwaβ€’15mo ago
OK Thanks a lot
Maagalhaesβ€’11mo ago
Hello! I looked for the mentioned file, but I couldn't find it. Is adding the footer globally still done the same way? Thanks!!
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’11mo ago
Seems like the file was removed. You can use a render hook panels::scripts.before per panel though
Maagalhaesβ€’11mo ago
I am going to try. Thanks
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrinβ€’11mo ago
i think there is a footer-specific render hook
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrinβ€’11mo ago
Maagalhaesβ€’11mo ago
Thanks. This solved my problem.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’11mo ago
Right. Forgot that usually everything is a Page πŸ˜