Fileupload don't show media on Chrome

Hello, thank you for your amazing work, it help me a lot. I ran in issue on the view form with fileupload, when I go to the View page the filepond component is empty. If I disabled cache in developper console or I change tab and come back is ok. It's work well on Safari. (Other fact, in local developement, on view page after create the filepond component is empty. See gif ..) Maybe it's related to Files are stored on DigitalOcean. SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload::make('quotes')->visibility('private')->multiple()->collection('quotes')->enableDownload() ->getUploadedFileNameForStorageUsing(function (TemporaryUploadedFile $file, $get) : string { return (string) str('project_quote_'.$get('name').'-'.Str::limit($file->getClientOriginalName(), 5, '').'.'.$file->guessExtension()); }) ->acceptedFileTypes(['application/pdf', 'image/jpeg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png']) ->minSize(1) ->maxSize(10000)
File upload components cors error · Issue #5891 · filamentphp/filam...
Package filament/filament Package Version v2.17.14 Laravel Version v10.3.2 Livewire Version v2 PHP Version PHP 8.2 Problem description First of all it is not really a server configuration problem b...
5 Replies
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch15mo ago
Any console errors?
jackleblackdev15mo ago
No console error
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch15mo ago
That’s weird. Is the filepond component in the HTML? Maybe it’s just not visible?
jackleblackdev15mo ago
If I click on the file link in network tab of developper console , it open a new tab and the file is ok . Back to tab with filament the file is visible on component.
jackleblackdev15mo ago
yes it is