How to return multiple variables?
I want to return variable win, loss and draw but i dont know how.
22 Replies
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em okay
its not too long
it has some error
You can return a tuple if you don't want to create a new class
But not sure why you'd like to return the same value as the parameters
How can I use tuples?
So in your case,
I see
You could also use a class or a record, but a tuple is probably the easiest here.
thats record?
A tuple is not a record
A record would look like this
thinking one writing another
hmm okay
Translate error?
for a non-satic field, method, or propert ... an object reference is required
well like it says, an object reference is required to access this method
it was
in ur code, did u remove that word?nope
You gave it two return types
int (int, int, int)
Does it return an int
Or an (int, int, int)
?AAAAAA... yes
now everything works