Railway15mo ago

503 when deploying a Laravel Application

I'm trying to deploy a laravel application in railway, after successfully building and then trying to access the generated domain it throws a 503 error. There are no logs as well, I've even used stdout for logging errors but still I still have no idea what is causing the issue because the error logs aren't showing up. It runs fine locally.
5 Replies
Percy15mo ago
Project ID: c3fe1dab-94ef-478f-8681-7593e0603ac7
gerk15mo ago
c3fe1dab-94ef-478f-8681-7593e0603ac7 UPDATE: even with the railway template, still throws a 503 error. I'm running out of options UPDATE: I finally got it fixed, apparently adding a procfile is causing the issue, It seems to me that it's overriding the listener after the build process the thread can be locked now
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gerk15mo ago
Make sure your application is listening to and the $PORT variable, that's how I fixed mine There should be a log inside the deploy tab telling you that it's listening to a port