
every 20 tick:
set {_path} to "plugins/skript/scripts/yaml/stand_locations.yml"
loop 10 times:
if yml "stand%loop-number%" in file {_path} does not exist:
exit 2 sections
set {_stand.x} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.x" from file {_path}
set {_stand.y} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.y" from file {_path}
set {_stand.z} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.z" from file {_path}
set {_stand.w} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.world" from file {_path}
set {_loc} to location {_stand.x},{_stand.y},{_stand.z} in world {_stand.w}
every 20 tick:
set {_path} to "plugins/skript/scripts/yaml/stand_locations.yml"
loop 10 times:
if yml "stand%loop-number%" in file {_path} does not exist:
exit 2 sections
set {_stand.x} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.x" from file {_path}
set {_stand.y} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.y" from file {_path}
set {_stand.z} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.z" from file {_path}
set {_stand.w} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.world" from file {_path}
set {_loc} to location {_stand.x},{_stand.y},{_stand.z} in world {_stand.w}
上記のようなコードを書いています yamlファイルから座標とworldを取得し、locationを作製するといったものなのですが どう頑張ってもworldが指定できません world MAPの二種類があるのですが、MAPで指定してもworldになってしまいます これってどうしようもない感じですかね…?
3 Replies
月猫chOP2y ago
該当部分↓ set {_loc} to location {_stand.x},{_stand.y},{_stand.z} in world {_stand.w}
月猫chOP2y ago
月猫chOP2y ago
every 20 tick in "world name":
every 20 tick in "world name":
every 20 tick in "MAP":
set {_path} to "plugins/skript/scripts/yaml/stand_locations.yml"
loop 10 times:
if yml "stand%loop-number%" in file {_path} does not exist:
exit 2 sections
set {_stand.x} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.x" from file {_path}
set {_stand.y} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.y" from file {_path}
set {_stand.z} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.z" from file {_path}
set {_stand.w} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.world" from file {_path}
{_stand.w} is "MAP"
set {_loc} to location({_stand.x},{_stand.y},{_stand.z})
set world of {_loc} to {_stand.w}
set pitch of {_loc} to random number between -180 and 180
show end rod with speed 0 at {_loc} to players where [input's world is "%{_stand.w}%"]
set {_flag} to true
loop all living entities:
"%type of loop-entity%" is "armor stand"
x location of loop-entity is {_stand.x}
y location of loop-entity is {_stand.y}-1
z location of loop-entity is {_stand.z}
world of loop-entity is {_stand.w}
set {_flag} to false
exit 1 sections
{_flag} is not false
every 20 tick in "MAP":
set {_path} to "plugins/skript/scripts/yaml/stand_locations.yml"
loop 10 times:
if yml "stand%loop-number%" in file {_path} does not exist:
exit 2 sections
set {_stand.x} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.x" from file {_path}
set {_stand.y} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.y" from file {_path}
set {_stand.z} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.z" from file {_path}
set {_stand.w} to yml value "stand%loop-number%.world" from file {_path}
{_stand.w} is "MAP"
set {_loc} to location({_stand.x},{_stand.y},{_stand.z})
set world of {_loc} to {_stand.w}
set pitch of {_loc} to random number between -180 and 180
show end rod with speed 0 at {_loc} to players where [input's world is "%{_stand.w}%"]
set {_flag} to true
loop all living entities:
"%type of loop-entity%" is "armor stand"
x location of loop-entity is {_stand.x}
y location of loop-entity is {_stand.y}-1
z location of loop-entity is {_stand.z}
world of loop-entity is {_stand.w}
set {_flag} to false
exit 1 sections
{_flag} is not false
実際にやってみました 挙動比較 world show end rod 無事表示 spawnStand() 無事出現 MAP show end rod 非表示 spawnStand() 出現なし(world側の同座標に出現) また、それぞれbroadcast "%world of {_loc}%" してみたところ every 20 tick in "world" every 20 tick in "MAP" にかかわらず、world 表示となります… 結局わからなかったので、すべての動作を一つのワールドで行うことにしました

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