Railway•15mo ago

Umami template doesn't work

Project id: c1b97597-d640-41a8-bc75-faba2aae29c4 There are no deployments listed (your project has no deploys), do I need to add them manually, how can I do that? Shouldn't it be deployed automatically?
10 Replies
Percy•15mo ago
Project ID: c1b97597-d640-41a8-bc75-faba2aae29c4
jaemil•15mo ago
Ok need to push something to start building, how can i mark as done?
themajd_•14mo ago
Hey did you get this figured out Same issue, tried going to terminal and running railway up but got this error: HTTP status client error (413 Payload Too Large) for url Seems Umami is too large for Railway now which is weird given there's an entire template for it @Brody you're all I got
Brody•14mo ago
#🛂|readme #5
themajd_•14mo ago
shit sorry Do we just wait for someone to view this?
Brody•14mo ago
they solved it on their own in 8 minutes you are welcome to open your own help thread
mjak•12mo ago
I'm actually experiencing this exact same problem but with zero errors from the Railway tool. Just exactly nothing happens no matter what I try to deploy @themajd_ Did you manage to fix this? Feels like an Umami issue at this point, going to try to roll back to a few other release commit hashes to see what happens would be nice for the CLI to actually tell me why it failed
Brody•12mo ago
did you get a 413 too large error too? the max project size for railway up is something like 50mb but I will see about the issues with umami and notify fp of any needed changes
mjak•12mo ago
Nothing I didn’t get anything at all tbh. Just says compressing and then uploading then goes back to CLI Tried to roll back multiple releases I think I went back 3 and it just never worked Running railway logs does nothing because it can’t find a deployment
Brody•12mo ago
interesting, i will try to deploy this template myself and see what i can do I deployed the umami template and was meet with no deployments, this is caused by github rate limits, and removing the github repo and adding it back to the service triggered a new deployment and the deployment went through without issue