Filament15mo ago

Show DB notifications unread button/icon in admin panel

Hello, I want to use the DB notifications https://filamentphp.com/docs/2.x/notifications/database-notifications to notify the admin user of important events on the web (new orders, registrations, etc.) how can I show the Notifications option/icon/tab in the admin panel? More than all the typical bell icon where you can see the unread notifications, there you explain how to place the button in the view, but where are the admin views? for example the header?
Database notifications - Notifications - Filament
Elegant TALL stack notifications for Laravel artisans.
3 Replies
LeandroFerreira15mo ago
Did you set database_notifications.enabled true in your filament config file?
José15mo ago
I didn't start yet, I was reading to understand first....so that button is going to show automatically alone? I do not have to do anything?
LeandroFerreira15mo ago
automatically... you can also create if you want