Railway corporation company information

Hi I need to know the company name, id and full address of Railway. I can't seem to find this on railway.app Can you please help me with this information? Thank you
8 Replies
Percy15mo ago
Project ID: N/A
×huggi×15mo ago
Brody15mo ago
tagging in @Angelo
angelo15mo ago
For what purpose?
×huggi×15mo ago
We are to supply this information to the company we enter into agreement with, when we have subprocessors (you) outside of EU. @Angelo Can you please assist with this information today? We need to get it out the door today.
angelo15mo ago
#🛂|readme - please don’t tag the team. I will try my best to get this information to you soon, but keep in mind, I am based in the east cost of the United States and my day hasn’t begun yet. Let me add this to my queue and I can get to it within the day.
Percy15mo ago
Flagging this thread. A team member will be with you shortly.
×huggi×15mo ago
Hi there. Any news?