Filament15mo ago

Change location of notification pop up

Hi, I have a flash message notification using the filament notifications. The default location is on top right . Default setting on config/filament.php is as follows: 'notifications' => [ 'vertical_alignment' => 'top', 'alignment' => 'right', ], I wanted to change it to top-center and did the following. 'notifications' => [ 'vertical_alignment' => 'top', 'alignment' => 'center', ], However, its not working. Do I have to type something on the terminal to make this work? I have clear cache on my browser.
4 Replies
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Sese15mo ago
Just to make sure, you are using the admin panel, right? Not just the notifications package? That has a separate config file Make sure you’ve run npm run dev Make sure you run php artisan config:clear
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch15mo ago
I think top center doesn’t work. Only corners.
Kenneth Sese
Kenneth Sese15mo ago
Docs appear to suggest it does support center: In config/filament.php, set the layouts.notifications.alignment to any value of left, center or right and layouts.notifications.vertical_alignment to any value of top, center or bottom:
Sugbo15mo ago
Yeah you are right. Since, I use the notifications package I have to publish its own configuration file. It works now. Appreciate the help I tried it. Top center works. 🙂