Wireframe shows water rendering in to high detail

As you can see in the photo, the debug mode wireframe shows that water is sometimes made up of to many triangles. Some chunks are only made up of 2 triangles, while other are made up of like 20 of them. The closer to the player, the more frequent these many triangle chunks are. Is this expected behaviour? It doesn't look like it, as all water chunks look the same, regardless of the amount of triangles.
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3 Replies
BackSun15mo ago
The extra detail is due to changes in lighting or slight changes in color. If you go to that area you may notice that there is seaweed or other blocks close to the surface under the water.
cola9876515mo ago
You sure you dont have debug mode on? We have wireframe debug mode that in some versions will activate if ypu click one of the function keys
Puhpine15mo ago
Like i mentioned i do have wireframe on, which is howi noticed this strange behaviour aah ok thanks for the explanation