How to display a Filament Page to a guest user (Without Log in)?
please point me in right direction
6 Replies
You can't since filament requires a login. You would therefore need to create a non-filament page. Or create a guest user with a role with next to no rights and auto-login them in.
Thanks for your input! If i am to create a guest page how to load filament assets (css) to my guest blade file?
Include the filament dist css and any custom theme css in your app.css
Yep as above, each component will tell you how to do it. I.e. forms or tables
Thanks Guys ! There is already filament layout we can use
<x-filament::layouts.base title="Guest Page">
<div class="flex items-center justify-center p-6">
You can use the layout, it just depends what you are trying to achieve, most people have their own frontend for a filament application