Digest E-mail missing event

Good day! I am having an issue when I send two different groups of events with two events in each group (grouped by subscriber ID and digest key) to a notification through API, the digest E-mail for the first group shows both events, while the digest E-mail for the second group shows only one event. This happens when I trigger the events in a short time (5 seconds between events). The settings of my notification include a regular digest with 30 seconds interval and the E-mail step. The API returns 201. The active feed shows that all four events have been triggered but the last event (transaction ID: b1759079-0e94-4f3b-8d20-110e65e466af) is not included in the second digest E-mail. Please assist in this matter. Thank you!
9 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
Hi Samuel Correct me if I am wrong! You have two notification templates with these workflows:- 1. Digest -> Email -> Chat 2. Digest -> Email -> Chat -> ?? (Not visible in screenshot) and you are trigerring both templates simultaneously. first workflow is working fine and you are having issue in second workflow?
Samuel.CheahOP2y ago
Hi @Pawan Jain, Yup, but the Chat step could be ignored (which I have removed after the screenshot). The current workflow is: Digest -> E-mail. However, with the current workflow, the issue persist, the second workflow and beyond is always missing the message as below: 1. An event triggered with subscriber 1A and digest key ABC, payload is Test 1. API returned 201. 2. After 5 seconds, an event triggered with subscriber 1A and digest key ABC, payload is Test 2. API returned 201. 3. After 5 seconds, an event triggered with subscriber 2B and digest key DEF, payload is Test 3. API returned 201. 4. After 5 seconds, an event triggered with subscriber 2B and digest key DEF, payload is Test 4. API returned 201. 5. After 30 seconds, a digest E-mail received for subscriber 1A and digest key ABC with payload Test 1 and Test 2. 6. After 30 seconds, a digest E-mail received for subscriber 2B and digest key DEF with payload Test 3 only, and Test 4 is missing.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
@Samuel.Cheah you see anything in activity feed?
Samuel.CheahOP2y ago
@Pawan Jain Unfortunately the activity feed only shows (4)'s remaining execution has been merged with an active Digest, which is (3) and nothing else even in the details. More information on this, I found that this only happens when there are more than one active digest. The E-mail from the second active digest and beyond will only display the item from their first event, while the first active digest displays items from all of its events. However, if I wait for the first active digest to complete and trigger the second digest, both will show all items of their events.
Samuel.CheahOP2y ago
I have attached the cURL from the active feed for your reference.
Novu_Bot2y ago
@Samuel.Cheah, you just advanced to level 1!
Samuel.CheahOP2y ago
I am including the Digest settings and the E-mail template for your reference as well.
Samuel.CheahOP2y ago
@Pawan Jain Have you had a chance to have a look at this issue?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain2y ago
Hi @Samuel.Cheah I am not able to reproduce this issue! is it possible, if we can join over a call, and debug the issue on a screen share together? Closing due to inactivity. Please create a new post if the issue still exists

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