Can I have different types of notifications?

I'm developing a big application which has varies parts. Is that possible to have different type of bells for alerts? e.g. for security, users and accounting part.
1 Reply
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
hmmm the problem you would encounter is that if you use flash notifications, they would probably appear more than once because the same notification component that handles flash notifications also handles database notifications does that make sense? like, you could create multiple Notifications livewire components that filter which notifications it shows... but you'd need to work out a way to disable flash notifications on those components I've just had a look at the code. You could extend the Notifications livewire component, then override the getDatabaseNotificationsQuery() to add a where() to scope the database notifications based on something in their json schema. Then you would override the pullNotificationsFromSession() with an empty body on the components that shouldnt handle flash notifications. does that make any sense or am i talking nonsense

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