Railway15mo ago

Potential bug with MySQL

Hey guys, I tried creating a few tables in mysql. Here is how I did it. CREATE TABLE users( username VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin, password VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin ); now the problem is that when I try accessing it from the ui in railway it shows me the error:Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Column_name') However when I create the same table without the CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin, I dont have any issue. I need that to make sure my db is case sensitive.
8 Replies
Percy15mo ago
Project ID: aecdad28-da47-4b87-bfdd-d01e52a8beff
cordila15mo ago
aecdad28-da47-4b87-bfdd-d01e52a8beff Please ping me on reply Yeah its quite severely bugged, I created another table CREATE TABLE users ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), email VARCHAR(255) ); just to test and it works but now the other tables all show the same columns lol And I just checked rn, on sql workbench it does show it properly
Brody15mo ago
yep, please don't rely on the data view railway provides, use a proper client like SQL workbench
cordila15mo ago
Yeah I did do that now but still thought reporting it would be good since it looks like something that can easily by reproduced and maybe fixed
Brody15mo ago
the whole database experience is getting a revamp!
cordila15mo ago
Ahh that's nice Any rough eta on that?
Brody15mo ago
i dont have one, sorry
cordila15mo ago
👍 Thanks