Pre-select filters in table

Hey guys, I have widget Staff Widget. Depending on the role which user is logged in, I have to create pre-select filter in the table. So this is StaffWidget.php in widgets folder : protected function getTableColumns(): array { return [ Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('name'), Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('') ]; } and this is the code from UserResource.php : Forms\Components\TextInput::make('name')->required(), Forms\Components\TextInput::make('email')->required(), Forms\Components\Select::make('organisation')->relationship('organisation', 'name'), Bottom line, If I am logged in as a customer, role "customers" should be pre-selected on the Users overview page. Thanks in advance!
10 Replies
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
where is your filter?
dusan8061OP2y ago
hey @Dan Harrin Tables\Filters\SelectFilter::make('organisation_id') ->label(__('Organisation')) ->options(function (){ $organisation = User::select('organisation_id')->groupBy('id', 'organisation_id')->get()->toArray(); return Organisation::select()->whereIn('id', $organisation)->get()->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); }), so i need to make it pre-selected with the role "customer" if I'm logged in as a customer @Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
do you want customers to be able to remove that filter too though?
dusan8061OP2y ago
nope, since they have no permissions for that. For the permissions I'm using Global Scope @Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
so why do you need the filter if you are using a scope? you can hide it for those users
dusan8061OP2y ago
I don't actually need it, I need it to be pre-selected. For example - I have roles : admin, staff, customer.. and from the widget, if I am logged in as a customer, the User table should show only the Customers. @Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin
Dan Harrin2y ago
but that is handled by your scope isnt it... if its a customer, scope the query and hide the filter
dusan8061OP2y ago
ok, i will check this and come back to you. thank you very much so @Dan Harrin Tables\Filters\SelectFilter::make('role') ->label(__('Role')) // ->multiple() ->options(function (){ return Role::all()->pluck('name', 'id')->toArray(); }) ->relationship('roles') ->default(5), The above pre selects the role that I want. However, the role filter should be a multiple select, and I am not sure how to correctly define a default for that? I should mention that the team lead doesn't want to go down the scopes route.
toeknee2y ago
dusan8061OP2y ago
it is. but still for the widgets I decided to use approach in widget itself by adding a route : route('filament.resources.users.index',['tableFilters[role][values][0]' => 5]) it all helped, thank you very much guys!

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