Railway15mo ago

Unable to access website using custom domain

Service ID:4350ef86-c031-4b4f-9a39-301042431014 I have deployed a website using both custom and generated domains, but I am having issues accessing the website through the custom domain. I have taken the following steps to resolve the issue: - Redeploy the project - Reset the custom domain and updated the CNAME value. The custom domain is chat.wzhecnu.cn, and the generated one is chatgpt-web-production-6af5.up.railway.app. Thanks in advance!
7 Replies
Percy15mo ago
Project ID: 4350ef86-c031-4b4f-9a39-301042431014
RexWzh15mo ago
Additional information: I added a payment method when my usage was nearing 500 hours, in order to continue the deployment. However, the custom domain still failed even after the payment was made. I attempted to redeploy the website, but the custom domain is still not working while the generated one is functioning properly.
Brody15mo ago
works fine for me you might just have to wait for dns propagation, that can take up to 72 hours
RexWzh15mo ago
Thank you for your response. It does work after I use a VPN.
Brody15mo ago
using a vpn when using railway might get you banned
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Brody15mo ago
I'm sure they are aware, I don't know if they have any plans though