Writing modular Sass professionally

Hey! I have some questions regarding writing professional Sass in terms of being readable, maintainable, and scalable. I'm at that point in CSS where I can make a lot of different layouts and websites, but writing it professionally is the hardest part. I try to make everything reusable with mixins but I'm just finding it really hard to think about all the different use cases when I'm writing them. I know you shouldn't over-engineer things before you've even written code, but I'm finding myself writing out the CSS for a website, getting it all nice and pretty, and then going back to try to polish it and make it reusable and looking at it like "WTF" because my components are super fragile and amateur. Is this something that will come with more experience, and I just have to power through it, or am I really missing something vital here when writing professional Sass?
1 Reply
vinceOP2y ago
I've found pretty much the Holy Grail, and guess where it circles back to? Atomic Design. Everything in good frontend development seems to circle around to Atomic Design at one point or other. Currently doing a bunch of refactoring, and my stylesheets are already waaaaaaaaay better. Here's some useful articles I found: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/08/other-interface-atomic-design-sass/#top https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2015/05/extending-in-sass-without-mess/ They wrote about this all the way back in 2013, so I'm quite behind :P

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